BioBlitz near Matjiesfontein launches Karoo BioGaps Project
A BioBlitz was held on Saturday 16 April 2016 near to Matjiesfontein in the Karoo. The BioBlitz was part of SANBI’s project activities for the Department of
Environmental Affair's Shale Gas Development Strategic Environmental Assessment
(SGD SEA) and also marked the launch of the 3-year Karoo BioGaps Project.
The Chairman of SANBI's Board, several board members, senior national government officials from different departments, representatives from the Northern Cape and Western Cape government, university professors, and volunteers from the general public joined the Karoo BioGaps Project taxon leads for a fun day searching for species.
Some of the interesting plants seen on the BioBlitz
The SANBI CEO, Dr Tanya Abrahamse, looking for butterflies
Looking for scorpions and reptiles hiding under the rocks
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